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                "On Point" Energetic Reiki Healing

                     *Calming Healing  Energy *   Removing Obstacles  *   

~ Long Distance Reiki Healing ~

"Does distance Reiki really work?" The answer is in fact "YES" :)

Reiki practitioners learn and receive three symbols, one of which is the "distance symbol." When invoked and used by a Reiki practitioner, this symbol allows the practitioner to send healing Reiki energy across time and space.

This symbol can also be used in-person to help clear blockages from the past, or across large parts of the body. When practicing Reiki on someone who is not physically present, this symbol is used to connect to his or her energy.

Distance Reiki works according to the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that we are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. As such, invoking this law during a distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link an object to the energy field of the recipient. Each practitioner has their own unique way of working, as well as the other healing modalities they choose to incorporate into their healing work.

Some practitioners would even say that mapping an object is unnecessary, as we can send Reiki energy to anyone simply by directing our thoughts and energy. Setting up a mutual time is also helpful, so the recipient is open to receiving the energy. However, distance Reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere and at any time, though permission should, in some way, be invoked or received.

I myself was skeptical until I actually connected with ones across the country and the energy between us was felt very clearly, through warmth, tingles, chills and chakras being activated. 

My clients have also confirmed this energy exchange. They report feelings of relaxation, happiness, empowerment, ease and relief from pain. The distance between my clients and myself made no difference. And sometimes, their energetic experiences feel even more powerful to them, because they were not physically present with me.

I've also had conversations with other skeptics of energy healing about the power of prayer. Prayer works in large part because we believe we can send others our love, blessings and intentions, connecting through the power of whomever our God happens to be. I believe that Reiki works on similar principles, and that using that universal life force energy (the source of Reiki energy) is also the same as "Spiritual energy."

We are all connected no matter where we live or even in the flesh or Spirit. We CAME from spirit, that being our original state of existence and so have access to the connection between spirit beings as well as us on this physical plane.

Are you in need of "Energy Healing"? 

One the gifts I have been blessed with is "Healing Hands"

I am a Reiki Master and have been using this form of healing for many years now.

I have developed my own Special Reiki Acupressure Technique that will "pinpoint" specific target areas.

This can be used in a variety of ways to bring Healing to yourself & even the loved ones you are connected to.


As I myself am in a Twin Soul Relationship, I have been specifically chosen to use this in the healing of relationships & the drawing together of Twin Souls <3


Specifically in the case of Twin Souls, I will use my technique in the opening of & removal of blockages in the Heart Chakras, Ear Chakras, & Throat Chakras to help in aiding the Twins to connect more fully.


As is often the case, one Twin may suffer from addictions that prevent them from coming together quickly. While another may suffer from self esteem issues, such as lack of self worth due to age or weight. We can help address these specific areas by targeting them for either emotional, or physical healing, whichever their Soul needs.


Reiki is a mutually beneficial treatment as it is an exchange of positive energy flowing from Spirit, through me to you!


I look forward to working with, & sharing my gifts with you :)


Blessings, Sherri ;) ^j^

   * Healing For Twin Souls *


Prices for Reiki Healing Sessions         With Sherri As Follows;

$77.00 for Long Distance Reiki Healing


I have had only positive feedback & the results of the Energetic Healing have been profoundly felt.


If you are experiencing difficulties in your life, in regards to;

1) Physical pain

2) Emotioanl trauma

3) Energetic blocks that need clearing

4) Chakras that are needing to be cleared, balanced & recharged

5) Addictions you wish to address

6) Weight Loss etc...

Then I encourage you to reach out and allow yourself the

benefit of my gifts :)

How we will proceed:

1) We will set up a day & time that you will be in a calm state of mind & able to relax and allow me to work.

2) I will ask that you ideally will be in an undisturbed space.

3) It will help if you are well hydrated.

4) We will begin at the agreed time.

5) I will ask you to repeat to yourself:

"Only those of the highest order of love & light shall be allowed in my presence"

This will ensure your protection & safety, as you must only allow those of the highest integrity within your energetic field :)

6) You may experience the feelings of prickles, heat or other sensations throughout your face, crown arms, hands & feet during the treatment. You may also feel emotional, tired, or feelings of elation & joy, following the treatment the next day or two :)

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